Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Blogging the personal and professional way to share news. Current events, parental updates on kids, hobbies, travels, areas of interests and the list can go on. Blogging is a 2 way communication system where you can offer your expertise, share information, and others can add to the conversation. A community of individuals connected by the blog subject virtually from anywhere in the world.
This week I will be researching the use of blogs in education. Figuring out how I will incorporate in the blog in the instructional practices program.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Excited About Teaching

Working on creating training modules for teaching teachers technology for engaging students in the classroom. Based upon my experience I will be doing that through having them experience and use the technology during their participation in the training series. Those that I have talked to are very very excited about learning the new skills and knowledge of how to meaningfully use technology.
On a personal note my sophomore in high school is in honor's English. The teacher is big on vocabulary. I was sharing with him the use of the Wiki for his class mates to share and collaborate on creating examples and ideas. He asked me to help him set up a site next week.
Enjoying the implementation and doing of what I am learning. Experience, Reflection and Refinement.
I love working on my Master's. If anyone has any ideas or examples I would love it if you would share.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Social Bookmarking

Imagine having an online bookshelf where you could store books, articles, research, and links to images, well it is possible with Social Bookmarking. You can create a personal bookshelf with your own taxonomy, system of organization, and tag them however works for you. You can share or keep them private. Access the site anywhere and anytime. Create a group with your friends, students, and peers.
I would like to hear about your experience using Social Bookmarking and benefits to education.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Planning for Implementation

Very exciting meeting Monday. I was given the blessing to incorporate some of the technology I have been learning into the fall Teacher Leadership and Instructional Practices Academies in the fall. The focus will be student engagement. I will take the approach of the teachers finding their own value in using the tools before they try to introduce into the classroom. This is the primary reason I decided to return for my master's. I felt their was a need for including technology, teachers were asking for ideas, and it now all seems to be coming together.
My homework for the next three weeks is to put together the 9 month curriculum for both academies. Decide where and what technology I will recommend for inclusion and how I will support the teachers using new technology. So many things to think through...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cognitive Overload

My mind is hitting the full point and feels like information is leaking out. I am learning about so many new tools and techniques through this class and this summer I am training to fly solo training youth leaders. I think this week I am feeling overwhelmed with all of the new information that I am learning. I find myself taking lots of notes, thinking deeply, and processing how I can use the tools. I was at a state level meeting today where a conversation came up regarding gathering documents from a variety of programs, editing them, and collecting best practices from each. I smiled as the meeting progressed and the conversation about bringing individuals from around the state together to review these documents. I suggested we use PBWorks as a platform to do the work and save the cost of meeting face to face. It will be a new technology tool for the group and I will be working with the group to set up an account. Looking forward to practicing my new skill.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Good Morning,
I never knew there was quite so much to do on Facebook. Over the last few days I spent more time looking into the history, applications and features than I did reading and following posts. I learned some interesting things about safety, new features, and way too many applications.
Facebook, I feel, has created a foundation for safety. They have clearly defined and designed the privacy features to be user friendly for the not so technical individual. Their explanation of managing your information and the minimal amount of personal information that can be accessed by all is easy to understand. What I really appreciated was the SAFETY information for General Safety, Safety and Law Enforcement, Safety for Educators, Safety for Parents, and Safety for Teens. Each is formatted in a question style "if this...then this". The Safety for teens offered advice for teens regarding personal information and staying safe.
I noticed to upcoming features: Questions and a Facebook Advice type area. A new icon popped up for questions that you the Facebook user can type in a question and answers will be generated. It is still under construction so I was unclear if it is advice from experts or peers. The other feature is still in development as Facebook is recruiting individuals through a small recruitment advertisement in the bottom of the homepage, or at least on my homepage. It was inviting participation in a beta test. Individuals were asked to answer a question offering their knowledge on one of many questions. So keep an eye peeled or submit to be part of the beta test.
Finally, like I mentioned I had not really taken the time to explore the myriad of features and applications. I think I am most impressed that there seems to be something for everyone. That sounds cliche, but I discovered quizzes, surveys, cards, calendars, dice game, mind games, mafia wars, travel advisor, trip tracking, farmville, Happy Aquarium, and too many others.
I understand how Facebook can be so addicting, it makes me I wonder when the first Facebook anonymous will be formed. I love staying connected, sharing, and following family and friends, in a non-stalker kinda way. I also find I am still partial to the old fashioned face to face or telephone call to catch up, but keep checking and posting to Facebook. Times are definitely changing...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wow! What a week. I have decided that I definitely selected the correct Master's program. I was beginning to wonder what I had gotten myself into and did my "driver" like personality sign me on for more than I was ready to manage. Worry no more. Blogging, tweeting, and creating a wiki has been awesome.
This is my second blog, though I really don't count the first one for much as I went through the motions of creating it and have yet to add a post. I am excited to use this blog throughout my masters to capture my journey. It will be a source of sharing, venting and capturing my weeks.
Tweeting is yet to be discovered or fully understood. I will have to post more on my thoughts as they sink in.
Wiki, wiki, wiki is on my mind constantly. I am so excited about all the applications I am discovering. I look forward to our next family and friends camping trip just for the chance to set up a wiki. As for now I will play in the "sand box" creating my learning activities.
My business partner just looks at me and smiles as I ramble on and on and on about the cool new things I am learning that will help our company. My kids have been wonderful and supportive as my time with them is impacted by studying. They return to school next month. I am looking forward to teaching them how to use a wiki to manage their team projects. I am a teacher by nature. The more I apply what I am learning in my life the better I will be at teaching others. So much to learn and do!